10 Time Saving Hacks and Gadgets for Busy Millennials

Hey there, fellow multitaskers and time-strapped millennials! We know the struggle of balancing work, social life, and trying to sneak in a cat nap during the day. But fear not, because we’ve got a secret stash of time-saving treasures that will revolutionize the way you conquer your daily to-do list. Get ready to save time, have a laugh, and reclaim those precious minutes for more Netflix, naps, and… well, maybe a bit more Netflix. Here are 10 time saving hacks so that you can use to be more productive.

Time Saving Hacks #1. Smart Home Gadgets: Because Who Needs a Butler?

Picture this:  You’re comfortably nestled on the couch, and the TV remote control might as well be in a different time zone. This is precisely where smart home gadgets come to the rescue. With the help of Alexa or Google Assistant, you can illuminate your space, adjust the thermostat, and even come close to ordering a pizza (well, almost).

But, let’s get real for a moment. You can set up your daily routine and let the smart system take the reins. Personally, I rely on Google Home, and it manages my daily schedule with the precision of Japan’s impeccably punctual train system. For instance, my trusty alarm faithfully rings at 5 am, soothing morning melodies start wafting through the air, and my water heater diligently begins its boiling ritual, ensuring I can brew my coffee with zero effort. In a nutshell, your leisurely days just got even more, well, leisurely!

Time Saving Hacks #2. Robot Vacuum Cleaner: Delegate Your Cleaning Chores

How about having a vacuum cleaner that glides through your home with the finesse of a pro, gobbling up dust while you peacefully savor your coffee? Count us in! Robot vacuum cleaners are like having your very own sidekick straight out of a 21st-century superhero movie. Let them tackle the grime while you unleash your inner couch-bound superhero.

Of course, there are moments when mischievous “villains” (aka kids or pets) may hinder your vacuum bot’s mission. Simply wait for a quiet time to let your trusty bot carry out its duties undisturbed.

Time Saving Hacks #3. Instant Pot: Cook Like a Pro (Without the Procrastination)

Behold the Instant Pot, the kitchen dynamo that’ll have you whipping up gourmet delights faster than you can say “delivery!” It’s the ultimate hero for those days when you stand at the crossroads of “Should I cook?” and “Should I just order in?”

This nifty contraption is like having a personal chef in your kitchen, minus the tall hat and the bossy attitude. With just a few button taps, it’ll transform even the most clueless culinary explorer into a seasoned chef. And if you’re anything like me, cooking proficiency tends to peak at perfectly boiled water, so this is a true game-changer!

In the time it takes to decide on a takeout menu, the Instant Pot will have already prepared a delectable meal. It’s the magical lamp, and you’re Aladdin, rubbing it just once for a feast fit for a sultan (or, you know, a Netflix marathon night).

For those moments when you’d rather Google the circumference of the Earth than figure out how to boil an egg, the Instant Pot rides to the rescue with its time-saving, button-pushing prowess. It’s almost like having a mini science lab in your kitchen, only without the explosion risk – unless you’re experimenting with chili recipes.

So, thank your lucky stars for the Instant Pot, the culinary time-saver that’s out to make you a kitchen legend (or at least save you from another questionable takeout decision). It’s the real kitchen MVP, and it won’t even ask for a tip!

Time Saving Hacks #4. Time-Blocking Apps: Making Procrastination a Distant Memory

Let’s face it; we’ve all had moments when we needed a gentle (or not-so-gentle) nudge to stay on track. That’s where time-blocking apps like Trello and Todoist swoop in like the productivity superheroes we all secretly aspire to be.

Picture this: you’re in the midst of an intense meme-scrolling session, and suddenly, a notification from your time-blocking app pops up, saying, “Hey, remember that to-do list?” It’s like the digital version of your mom walking into your room and telling you to stop goofing off and finish your homework.

These apps are your reliable sidekicks in the battle against procrastination. They let you map out your day, assign tasks, and set deadlines. With a visual timeline at your fingertips, you’ll feel like a project management pro, even if your idea of a well-organized desk is knowing which pile the important papers are in.

But wait, there’s more! They don’t just guilt-trip you into productivity; they also celebrate your victories with satisfying checkmarks and progress bars. It’s like receiving a gold star for every completed task, and who doesn’t love a gold star?

Time-blocking apps offer structure to your day, helping you allocate time for work, play, and everything in between. They’re like the trusted friend who reminds you that memes are great, but adulting is a thing too.

So, when the siren call of social media beckons, fear not! Your time-blocking app will be there to steer you back on course. It’s the digital drill sergeant you never knew you needed, turning your moments of chaos into organized, productive victory dances.

Time Saving Hacks #5. The Pomodoro Technique: Work Hard, Play Harder

The Pomodoro Technique is a savvy time management strategy that revolves around concentrated work sessions, typically lasting 25 minutes, followed by short, rejuvenating breaks. Think of it as the grown-up version of playing “hide and seek” with your to-do list. Set a timer, give it your all, and then bask in the glory of your mini-victory dance during those precious breaks.

In the past, I relied on my trusty smartphone alarm to sound the Pomodoro buzzer, but oh, how times have changed! I’ve stumbled upon an even better solution – a YouTube video by the Hanoi Chamomile. This hidden gem offers not just a timer but a soothing soundtrack that’s like a shot of focus-enhancing caffeine for your brain.

As the timer counts down, the gentle melodies from Hanoi Chamomile lull you into a state of serene concentration. It’s like having a zen master in your ear, guiding you through the labyrinth of your tasks. And when the timer eventually rings, you’ll emerge from your productivity cocoon refreshed and ready for your well-deserved break.

So, say goodbye to the generic smartphone alarm and dive into the world of the Pomodoro Technique with Hanoi Chamomile’s tranquil YouTube timer. It’s not just a timekeeper; it’s your personal productivity DJ, spinning the tracks of focused achievement and relaxation. Your to-do list doesn’t stand a chance!

Time Saving Hacks #6. Speed reading

Speaking of unleashing time-saving superpowers, have you ever dipped your toes into the dazzling world of speed reading? It’s like strapping a turbocharged engine to your brain when it comes to devouring written content. Speed reading techniques propel you through articles, reports, and even entire books at a pace that would make the Flash envy your swiftness.

Now, if you find yourself trapped in the email maze for a good chunk of your day, this technique is your knight in shining armor. Imagine completing your daily news catch-up in a mere fraction of the time it used to demand, liberating a treasure trove of hours for other escapades or just some well-deserved relaxation. Speed reading isn’t merely about skimming pages; it’s about rewiring your brain to process words and sentences with peak efficiency.

To put some numbers to it, picture this: if you spend a solid four hours daily wrestling with your inbox, just by doubling your words-per-minute reading speed, you’d salvage a glorious two hours each day. This time-saving magic compounds throughout the week, handing you a dazzling bonus of ten extra hours. That’s essentially a bonus working day, gifted to you on a silver platter to dive into exciting new pursuits, hobbies, or simply more guilt-free Netflix binge-watching.

Time Saving Hacks #7. Bluetooth Keyboard and Mouse Combo

I’ve had the pleasure of using the Logitech MX series, and I must say, it’s an investment I’ve never regretted making.

Photo by myself.

Multi-Device Efficiency: These Bluetooth keyboard and mouse combos are the multitasking masters I never knew I needed. As someone who switches between devices faster than a squirrel on an espresso binge, it’s like having a teleportation device at my fingertips. Just a click, and I’m zipping between screens without the drama of tangled cords or a “connecting” status bar.

Quick Access to Shortcuts: It’s not just a keyboard and mouse; it’s the Batman utility belt of peripherals. With the software that comes with the purchase, I can customize shortcuts and function keys faster than you can say “Abracadabra!” Need to open an app? Adjust the volume? Capture a screenshot? No more spelunking through endless menus. It’s like having the entire control center of your digital Batcave within arm’s reach.

Effortless Setup: Bluetooth connectivity turns this combo into your personal tech sidekick. Setting up is so straightforward that it makes connecting cables look like trying to unravel a Gordian knot. In seconds, I’m up and running, ready to conquer the digital world – and it’s all done without the melodrama of a tech support hotline.

Enhanced Productivity: It’s like the keyboard and mouse took a dose of superhero serum. They provide precision and speed that make work feel like a breeze. My spreadsheets practically do themselves, creative projects are a joyride, and professional tasks? Well, they stand no chance against the mighty combo.

In a nutshell, this Bluetooth Keyboard and Mouse Combo isn’t just a tool; it’s your secret productivity weapon. The time you save is like finding extra minutes in your day, and let’s face it, who doesn’t want more time for meme-scrolling or coffee breaks? It’s the best investment since someone decided to put wheels on luggage.

Time Saving Hacks #8. The Ultimate Time-Saver: Saying ‘No’

Remember, it’s absolutely fine to unleash your inner ‘no-ninja’ when your plate is loaded like a buffet at an all-you-can-eat restaurant. Guard your precious time like a determined watchdog guarding a bone, and spend it as wisely as a squirrel stockpiling acorns. After all, life’s way too short to waste on things that don’t bring you joy, save time, or at least make you chuckle.

Now, time, my dear friend, is the currency of life – think of it as the universal bitcoin we all trade. In the frantic carnival of commitments, responsibilities, and opportunities, there’s a hidden hero in the art of time juggling: the majestic and often underestimated power of saying ‘no.’

Embracing the art of ‘no’ is like discovering a time-traveling remote control. It’s the ability to create pockets of freedom in your day, week, and life for what truly matters. Saying ‘no’ is your escape hatch from the gravitational pull of commitments that are about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.

By saying ‘no’ to the less exciting stuff, you’re basically saying ‘yes’ to the VIP section of life. It’s like managing your time and energy as if you’re the CEO of your own joy factory. Suddenly, your focus becomes sharper than a ninja’s throwing star, and your actions are more on point than a stand-up comedian delivering punchlines.

In a world where time’s always running faster than a toddler on a sugar high, saying ‘no’ becomes your ultimate time-saving superpower. It’s like having a magic wand that lets you allocate your minutes and hours according to your own priorities. It’s the simple yet profound act that turns you into the master conductor of your life’s orchestra, ensuring every note is in tune, every melody harmonious, and the chaos turns into a symphony.

Time Saving Hacks #9. Google lens

Imagine having your very own tech-savvy sidekick, and it fits right in your pocket – that’s Google Lens for you. It’s like a digital magnifying glass with attitude! When you need to identify a mysterious plant, decode a foreign menu, or wrestle information from a stubborn printed document, Google Lens swoops in to save the day. It’s like having your personal Sherlock Holmes for all things visual!

With Google Lens, your smartphone’s camera transforms into a high-tech portal. It’s the quickest shortcut to a world of knowledge, all with a snap of your camera. Research? Translate? Extract info? Done, done, and done! It’s like the James Bond of smartphone apps, complete with cool gadgets and a sharp sense of humor. Say goodbye to time-consuming searches and hello to Google Lens, your tech-tastic companion for a brighter, wittier, and more informed future!

In my case, I often find myself grappling with Mandarin because my language skills in that area are about as sturdy as a sandcastle in a rainstorm. Whenever someone hands me a product catalog or company profile in Mandarin, all I have to do is whip out my trusty Google Lens, and voilà!  Just like ninjutsu, the app miraculously deciphers the content for me.

Here’s how it usually turns out:

source: 中国日报网-传播中国,影响世界 (chinadaily.com.cn)

A screenshot after using google lens, from my phone.

Time Saving Hacks #10. Digital Voice Recorder: Capturing Ideas on the Fly

The Digital Voice Recorder is a nifty gadget designed to help you capture those brilliant ideas, important notes, and even those quirky thoughts that pop into your head when you least expect them. Imagine it as the Sherlock Holmes of note-taking – sharp, efficient, and always ready to collect clues (or in this case, your verbal musings).

What’s great about these pocket-sized marvels is their ability to transform spoken words into digital files. It’s like having your personal stenographer on standby, ready to transcribe your thoughts without missing a beat.

In my case, I frequently employ it during my drives because, well, both hands are securely gripping the wheel. You see, ideas have this sneaky habit of popping into your mind for a fleeting moment and vanishing into the ether before you can even blink. That’s precisely why it’s crucial to capture them in the moment, ensuring you can revisit and explore them further at a more convenient time.

So, how does it work? With a simple press of a button, you can start recording your voice. Whether you’re brainstorming a new project idea, capturing an inspiring quote, or even serenading your shower-time epiphanies, the Digital Voice Recorder is there to preserve it all.

I use Evernote to do such recording. it’s simple to use and can be added as a widget on my phone’s home screen so all I need to do is to touch the icon and Evernote will start doing the recording.

So, the next time a brilliant idea strikes while you’re on a jog, in the shower, or stuck in traffic, don’t worry about scrambling for pen and paper. Just reach for your trusty Digital Voice Recorder and let it capture your genius – because inspiration waits for no one, and neither does this tech-savvy note-taker!

So there you have it, a list of time-saving wonders that will make your life as a busy millennial a whole lot easier. Remember, life is short, so embrace these gadgets and hacks, and use that extra time for the things that truly matter (like binge-watching your favorite shows). Happy time-saving, and may your day be as efficient as a robot vacuum on a mission!

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